Wrangler CLI for Cloudflare Workers
Name | Description |
generate | Generate a new worker project |
kv:namespace | Interact with your Workers KV Namespaces |
kv:key | Individually manage Workers KV key-value |
kv:bulk | Interact with multiple Workers KV key-value pairs at once |
route | List or delete worker routes |
secret | Generate a secret that can be referenced in the worker script |
init | Create a wrangler.toml for an existing project |
build | Build your worker |
preview | Preview your code temporarily on cloudflareworkers.com |
dev | Start a local server for developing your worker |
publish | Publish your worker to the orange cloud |
config | Authenticate Wrangler with a Cloudflare API Token or Global API Key |
subdomain | Configure your workers.dev subdomain |
whoami | Retrieve your user info and test your auth config |
tail | Aggregate logs from production worker |
login | Authenticate Wrangler with your Cloudflare username and password |
report | Report an error caught by Wrangler to Cloudflare |
help | Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) |
Name | Description |
-h, --help | Prints help information |
--verbose | Toggle verbose output (when applicable) |
-V, --version | Prints version information |