screen <cmd> <args...>

Screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation


cmdCommand to invoke
argsArguments to pass


-dDoes not start screen, but detaches the elsewhere running screen session
-DDoes not start screen, but detaches the elsewhere running screen session
-rResumes a detached screen session
-RAttempts to resume the first detached screen session it finds
-dmSStart as daemon: Screen session in detached mode


-aForce all capabilities into each window's termcap
-AAdapt all windows to the new display width & height
-c <file>Read configuration file instead of '.screenrc'
-e <xy>Change command characters
-fFlow control on
-fnFlow control off
-faFlow control automatic
-h <h>Set the size of the scrollback history buffer
-iInterrupt output sooner when flow control is on
-list, -lsDo nothing, just list our SockDir
-LTurn on output logging
-mIgnore $STY variable, do create a new screen session
-OChoose optimal output rather than exact vt100 emulation
-p <window>Preselect the named window if it exists
-qQuiet startup. Exits with non-zero return code if unsuccessful
-s <shell>Shell to execute rather than $SHELL
-S <sockname>Name this session <pid>.sockname instead of <pid>.<tty>.<host>
-t <title>Set title. (window's name)
-T <term>Use term as $TERM for windows, rather than 'screen'
-UTell screen to use UTF-8 encoding
-vPrint 'Screen version 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06'
-wipe [match]Do nothing, just clean up SockDir
-xAttach to a not detached screen. (Multi display mode)
-XExecute <cmd> as a screen command in the specified session