
Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python


aboutShows information about poetry
addAdds a new dependency to pyproject.toml
buildBuilds a package, as a tarball and a wheel by default
cacheThe cache command regroups sub commands to interact with poetry's cache
checkChecks the validity of the pyproject.toml file
configManages configuration settings
debugThe debug command regroups sub commands to interact with debug session
envThe env command regroups sub commands to interact with the virtualenvs associated with a specific project
initCreates a basic pyproject.toml file in the current directory
installInstalls the project dependencies
lockLocks the project dependencies
newCreates a new Python project at <path>
publishPublishes a package to a remote repository
removeRemoves a package from the project dependencies
runRuns a command in the appropriate environment
searchSearches for packages on remote repositories
selfThe self namespace regroups sub commands to manage the poetry installation itself
shellSpawns a shell within the virtual environment
showShows information about packages
sourceThe source namespace regroups sub commands to manage repository sources for a poetry project
updateUpdate the dependencies as according to the pyproject.toml file
versionShows the version of the project or bumps it when a valid bump rule is provided


-h, --helpDisplay help information
-v, --verboseIncrease the verbosity of messages
-vvMore verbose output
-vvvDebug output
-V, --versionDisplay this application version
--ansiForce ANSI output
--no-ansiDisable ANSI output
-n, --no-interactionDo not ask any interactive question
--no-pluginsDisables plugins
--no-cacheDisables poetry source caches
--directory <directory>The working directory for the poetry command
-q, --quietDo not output any message