The PHPUnit is a command-line test runner that can be invoked through the phpunit command
Name | Description |
--coverage-clover <file> | Generate code coverage report in Clover XML format, |
--coverage-crap4j <file> | Generate code coverage report in Crap4J XML format |
--coverage-html <dir> | Generate code coverage report in HTML format |
--coverage-php <file> | Export PHP_CodeCoverage object to file |
--coverage-text <file> | Generate code coverage report in text format [default: standard output] |
--coverage-xml <dir> | Generate code coverage report in PHPUnit XML format |
--coverage-cache <dir> | Cache static analysis results |
--warm-coverage-cache | Warm static analysis cache |
--coverage-filter <dir> | Include <dir> in code coverage analysis |
--path-coverage | Perform path coverage analysis |
--disable-coverage-ignore | Disable annotations for ignoring code coverage |
--no-coverage | Ignore code coverage configuration |
--dont-report-useless-tests | Do not report tests that do not test anything |
--strict-coverage | Be strict about @covers annotation usage |
--strict-global-state | Be strict about changes to global state |
--disallow-test-output | Be strict about output during tests |
--disallow-resource-usage | Be strict about resource usage during small tests |
--enforce-time-limit | Enforce time limit based on test size |
--default-time-limit <seconds> | Timeout in seconds for tests without @small, @medium or @large |
--disallow-todo-tests | Disallow @todo-annotated tests |
--log-junit <file> | Log test execution in JUnit XML format to file |
--log-teamcity <file> | Log test execution in TeamCity format to file |
--testdox-html <file> | Write agile documentation in HTML format to file |
--testdox-text <file> | Write agile documentation in Text format to file |
--testdox-xml <file> | Write agile documentation in HTML format to file |
--reverse-list | Print defects in reverse order |
--no-logging | Ignore logging configuration |
--prepend <file> | A PHP script that is included as early as possible |
--bootstrap <file> | A PHP script that is included before the tests run |
-c, --configuration <file> | Read configuration from XML file |
--no-configuration | Ignore default configuration file (phpunit.xml) |
--extensions <extensions> | A comma separated list of PHPUnit extensions to load |
--no-extensions | Do not load PHPUnit extensions |
--include-path <path(s)> | Prepend PHP's include_path with given path(s) |
-d <key[=value]> | Sets a php.ini value |
--cache-result-file <file> | Specify result cache path and filename |
--generate-configuration | Generate configuration file with suggested settings |
--migrate-configuration | Migrate configuration file to current format |