mvn <goal/phase...>

Maven - a Java based project management and comprehension tool


goal/phaseGoal or phase to execute


--also-make, -amAlso build projects required by project list
--also-make-dependents, -amdAlso build projects that depend on projects in the project list
--batch-mode, -BRun in non-interactive (batch)
--builder, -b <id of build strategy>Specify the build strategy to use
--strict-checksums, -CFail if checksums do not match
--lax-checksums, -cWarn if checksums do not match
--color <color mode>Specify the color mode of the output
--check-plugin-updates, -cpuIneffective. Only kept for backward compatibility
--define, -D <system property>Define a system property
--errors, -eProduce execution error messages
--encrypt-master-password, -emp <master password>Encrypt the master security password
--encrypt-password, -ep <server password>Encrypt the server password
--file, -f <path>Force the use of an alternate POM file (or directory with pom.xml)
--fail-at-end, -faeOnly fail the build afterwards; allow all non-impacted builds to continue
--fail-fast, -ffStop at first failure in reactorized builds
--fail-never, -fnNever fail the build, regardless of project result
--global-settings, -gs <path>Specify the global settings file to use
--global-toolchains, -gt <path>Specify the global toolchains file to use
--help, -hDisplay help information
--log-file, -l <path>Specify the file to log to
--legacy-local-repository, -llrUse the Maven2 legacy local repository behaviour
--non-recursive, -NDo not recurse into sub-projects
--no-plugin-registry, -nprIneffective. Only kept for backward compatibility
--no-plugin-updates, -npuIneffective. Only kept for backward compatibility
--no-snapshot-updates, -nsuSuppress SNAPSHOT updates
--no-transfer-progress, -ntpDo not display transfer progress when downloading or uploading
--offline, -oWork offline
--activate-profiles, -P <profiles>Activate the specified profiles (comma delimited)
--projects, -pl <project list>Specify the projects to build
--quiet, -qQuiet output - only shows errors
--resume-from, -rf <project>Resume from the specified project
--settings, -s <path>Specify the user settings file to use
--toolchains, -t <path>Specify the toolchains file to use
--threads, -T <threads>Specify the number of threads to use
--update-snapshots, -UForces a check for missing releases and updated snapshots on remote repositories
--update-plugins, -upIneffective. Only kept for backward compatibility
--version, -vDisplay version information
--show-version, -VDisplay version information
--debug, -XProduce execution debug output