--clean | Cleans the configuration directory |
--config-dir <dir> | Specify a custom location for the configuration directory |
--options | Show all option help |
--debug | Enable debug mode |
--version | Show the version number and information |
--autoindent <bool> | When creating a new line, use the same indentation as the previous line |
--autosave <n> | Automatically save the buffer every <n> seconds. If set to 0, no autosaving is performed |
--autosu <bool> | Automatically attempt to use super user privileges to save without asking |
--backup <bool> | Automatically keep backups of all open buffers |
--backupdir <dir> | The directory to place backups in |
--basename <bool> | In the infobar and tabbar, show only the basename of the file being edited rather than the full path |
--clipboard <type> | Apecifies how the system clipboard should be accessed |
--colorcolumn <value> | Display a color at the specified column if not set to 0 |
--colorscheme <scheme> | Loads the colorscheme stored in $(configDir)/colorschemes/<scheme>.micro |
--cursorline <bool> | Highlight the line that the cursor is on in a different color |
--diffgutter <bool> | Display diff indicators before lines |
--divchars <chars> | Specifies the divider characters used for the dividing line between vertical/horizontal splits (the first character is for vertical dividers, and the second is for horizontal dividers) |
--divreverse <bool> | Reverse colors specified by the colorscheme |
--encoding <encoding> | The encoding to open and save files with |
--eofnewline <bool> | Automatically add a newline to the end of the file if one does not exist |
--fastdirty <bool> | Use 'fast dirty' algorithm to determine if a buffer is modified or not |
--fileformat <format> | Type of line endings to be used for the file |
--filetype <type> | File type for the current buffer |
--ignorecase <bool> | Perform case-insensitive searches |
--incsearch <bool> | Enable incremental search in "Find" prompt |
--indentchar <character> | Sets the indentation character |
--infobar <bool> | Enables the line at the bottom of the editor where messages are printed |
--keepautoindent <bool> | Remove trailing whitespace from a line with no insertions when moving to the next line |
--keymenu <bool> | Display the nano-style key menu at the bottom of the screen |
--matchbrace <bool> | Underline matching braces for '()', '{}', '[]' when the cursor is on a brace character |
--mkparents <bool> | Allow parent directories to be created automatically when opening a file on a path that doesn't exist |
--mouse <bool> | Enable mouse support |
--paste <bool> | Treat characters sent from the terminal in a single chunk as a paste event rather than a series of manual key presses |
--parsecursor <bool> | Parse filenames such as file.txt:10:5 as requesting to open file.txt with the cursor at line 10 and column 5 |
--permbackup <bool> | Cause backups to be permanently saved |
--pluginchannels <url...> | List of URLs pointing to plugin channels for downloading and installing plugins |
--pluginrepos <link...> | A list of links to plugin repositories |
--readonly <bool> | Disallow edits to the buffer |
--relativeruler <bool> | Make line numbers display relatively |
--rmtrailingws <bool> | Automatically trim trailing whitespaces at ends of lines |
--ruler <bool> | Display line numbers |
--savecursor <bool> | Remember where the cursor was last time the file was opened and put it there when re-opened |
--savehistory <bool> | Remember command history between closing and re-opening micro |
--saveundo <bool> | Remember undo state between closing and re-opening a file |
--scrollbar <bool> | Display a scroll bar |
--scrollmargin <margin> | Margin at which the view starts scrolling when the cursor approaches the edge of the view |
--scrollspeed <number> | Number of lines to scroll for one scroll event |
--smartpaste <bool> | Add leading whitespace when pasting multiple lines |
--softwrap <bool> | Wrap lines that are too long to fit on the screen |
--splitbottom <bool> | When a horizontal split is created, create it below the current split |
--splitright <bool> | When a vertical split is created, create it to the right of the current split |
--statusformatl <format> | Format string definition for the left-justified part of the statusline |
--statusformatr <format> | Format string definition for the right-justified part of the statusline |
--statusline <bool> | Display the status line at the bottom of the screen |
--sucmd <command> | The super user command |
--syntax <bool> | Enables syntax highlighting |
--tabmovement <bool> | Navigate spaces at the beginning of lines as if they are tabs |
--tabsize <size> | The size in spaces that a tab character should be displayed with |
--tabstospaces <bool> | Use spaces instead of tabs |
--useprimary <bool> | Use the primary clipboard to copy selections in the background |
--wordwrap <bool> | Wrap long lines by words |
--xterm <bool> | Assume that the terminal conforms to xterm-256color regardless of what the $TERM variable actually contains |