Run flutter command
Name | Description |
analyze | Analyze the project's Dart code |
assemble | Assemble and build Flutter resources |
attach | Attach to a running app |
bash-completion | Output command line shell completion setup scripts |
build | Build an executable app or install bundle |
channel | List or switch Flutter channels |
clean | Delete the build/ and .dart_tool/ directories |
config | Configure Flutter settings |
create | Create a new Flutter project |
devices | List all connected devices |
doctor | Show information about the installed tooling |
downgrade | Downgrade Flutter to the last active version for the current channel |
drive | Run integration tests for the project on an attached device or emulator |
emulators | List, launch and create emulators |
format | Format one or more Dart files |
gen-l10n | Generate localizations for the current project |
install | Install a Flutter app on an attached device |
logs | Show log output for running Flutter apps |
pub | Commands for managing Flutter packages |
run | Run your Flutter app on an attached device |
screenshot | Take a screenshot from a connected device |
symbolize | Symbolize a stack trace from an AOT-compiled Flutter app |
test | Run Flutter unit tests for the current project |
upgrade | Upgrade your copy of Flutter |
Name | Description |
-h, --help | Print this usage information |
-v, --verbose | Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed. If used with --help, shows hidden options |
-d, --device-id <device id> | Target device id or name (prefixes allowed) |
--suppress-analytics | Suppress analytics reporting when this command runs |