manage, add | Add an existing file, directory, or symlink to the source state |
apply | Update the destination directory to match the target state |
archive | Generate a tar archive of the target state |
cat | Print the target contents of a file, script, or symlink |
cd | Launch a shell in the source directory |
chattr | Change the attributes of a target in the source state |
completion | Generate shell completion code |
data | Print the template data |
decrypt | Decrypt file or standard input |
diff | Print the diff between the target state and the destination state |
doctor | Check your system for potential problems |
dump | Generate a dump of the target state |
edit | Edit the source state of a target |
edit-config | Edit the configuration file |
encrypt | Encrypt file or standard input |
execute-template | Execute the given template(s) |
unmanage, forget | Remove a target from the source state |
generate | Generate a file for use with chezmoi |
git | Run git in the source directory |
ignored | Print ignored targets |
import | Import an archive into the source state |
init | Setup the source directory and update the destination directory to match the target state |
license | Print license |
list, managed | List the managed entries in the destination directory |
merge | Perform a three-way merge between the destination state, the source state, and the target state |
merge-all | Perform a three-way merge for each modified file |
purge | Purge chezmoi's configuration and data |
re-add | Re-add modified files |
rm, remove | Remove a target from the source state and the destination directory |
secret | Interact with a secret manager |
source-path | Print the source path of a target |
state | Manipulate the persistent state |
status | Show the status of targets |
target-path | Print the target path of a source path |
unmanaged | List the unmanaged files in the destination directory |
update | Pull and apply any changes |
upgrade | Upgrade chezmoi to the latest released version |
verify | Exit with success if the destination state matches the target state, fail otherwise |
help | Help about any command |